Spletna konferenca: “Career Guidance and Education in the Upsidedown World”
15. Nov 2020
15. Nov 2020
Euroguidance skupaj s partnerji organizira zanimivo spletno konferenco z naslovom “Career Guidance and Education in the Upsidedown World”. Konferenca bo potekala v petek, 20. novembra, ter soboto, 21. novembra 2020.
European conference Career guidance and education in the upsidedown world will take place 20. – 21. 11. 2020 in the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.
“The main goal of the conference is to further support the professional field of career guidance, to support research in the field, enrich the public dialogue, and promote the diversity of guidance services. The topic of this year is career guidance and education. Given the current situation in which our labour market is changing, new possibilities of work and education options appear, and people look for opportunities how to orient themselves, react and be ready for the future of labour market. Career guidance and career education have an important role for today’s society affected by pandemic.”
Del konference je tudi panelna razprava z naslovom “Do we need to reinvent career guidance in the light of the pandemic?”, ki jo moderira Tristram Hooley, gosti pa bodo Thomas Diener, Jaana Kettunen, Jerome Rossier in Jiri Votava.
Teme, ki jih bo konferenca med drugim še pokrivala:
Kotizacije ni. Prijavite se čim prej na https://konferencekp.cz/en/registrations/registration-for-participants/ .
Spletno mesto konference >> https://konferencekp.cz/en/general-information-2020/
Okviren program konference >> https://konferencekp.cz/en/about-conference/programme/
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E-mail: vko@ess.gov.si